18th Glacier Marathon

08,00 Uhr

Since 2006, the starting shot for the glacier marathon has been fired every year at the beginning of July. Starting in Mandarfen at an altitude of 1,675 metres, the marathon route winds its way through the breathtaking mountain world of the Pitztal.
Three shorter distances are also on offer: The 21 km half marathon starts in Eggenstall, a Run & Fun run (8 km) and the 5.5 km run start in Wenns. The finish line for all distances is the Gruabe Arena in Arzl.

The first weekend in July is not only the starting signal for the Glacier Marathon, the Pitztal Glacier also starts the 2024 summer season, which is why the Pitztal Glacier has a special surprise in store: All runners will receive a voucher for a day pass on the Pitztal Glacier upon registration. Redeemable until 04 May 2025.

Marathon: Mandarfen (1,675 m) to Arzl (647 m) // 42,195 km
Half marathon: Eggenstall (1,300 m) to Arzl (647 m) // 21 km
Run & Fun: Wenns (999 m) to Arzl (647 m) // 8 km
5,5 km run: Wenns (999 m) to Arzl (647 m) // 5,5 km

A sustainable and conscious approach to nature and its resources has a long tradition on the Pitztal Glacier.
It is therefore only logical that the Glacier Marathon 2024 will be held as a Green Event for the fourth time.
Awarded by the Climate Alliance Tyrol and the Environmental Association Tyrol, the ‘Green Event’ award designates events that fulfil ecological, social, economic and cultural sustainability criteria.

Enjoy the summer well-informed in the Pitztal glacier and nature park region

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