Our understanding
Due to sustainable growth from our own strength can we guarantee our own existence and independence in the glacier region Pitztal – also in the future. We pursue an economic way, which is based on careful handling of our ressources and progress as well as technology – the achievements of our time – socially-intelligently combined and used. This requires a mindful approach to our nature and needs satisfied and motivated employees, who also like to be hosts.
The foundation of our company was laid by our previous generation. Now it is our turn to preserve our valleys as an attractive living space with intact nature, solidify them as a stable economic region and to pass them on to future generations. As an sustainable vacation region we want to transform into a energy-autonomous skiing area with green energy and achieve a functioning circular economy with intelligently designed projects. We do a lot for that. We know, that we are not perfect, but we are on a good way and learn constantly. We look forward to our guests and hope that they too will treat our nature and the people in our valley with respect.
See you soon,
CEO Mag. Beate Rubatscher-Larcher & Ing. Franz Wackernell

Sustainable Development Goals // SDGs
Since january 2022 form the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations the fixed strategic framework for our actions. With our measures, we are making a valuable contribution to supporting the SDGs and to the gentle tourism in the alps.
Goal 1: Protection from poverty
Goal 2: Healthy food for all, securing the future of agriculture
Goal 3: Healthy living for all, education and preventive health care
Goal 4: Access to education for all, equal opportunities for men and women
Goal 5: Equality for women and men, support of opportunities for women
Goal 6: Clean water for all, free access to drinking water
Goal 7: Funding renewable energy
Goal 8: Support sustainable economic growth, secure work for all
Goal 9: Funding research and innovation
Goal 10: Diversity and inclusion
Goal 11: Ensuring access to affordable housing
Goal 12: Sustainable use of resources
Goal 14: Protect and conserve water bodies, reduce pollution
Goal 15: Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems, conserve biodiversity
Goal 16: Creating peace, living transparency & handshake quality
Goal 17: Joint sustainable development
We still have a lot ahead of us
We know we are good. But we also know that we can do even better. This is why we have derived the following goals for the new period (2022 to 2023) in consultation with external stakeholders:
Currently, we cover 100% of our own electricity needs with our photovoltaic system in the summer months and around a third in the autumn and winter season. It is our clear goal to be energy self-sufficient all year round.
What we are doing to achieve this: We are reaching our goal by further expanding our photovoltaic system. Since our land is a sensitive natural area, a careful approach is essential and this plant also requires a strict approval process by the environmental authorities. We are currently (December 2022) in an intensive planning phase.
Planned finalisation: 2023
Two thirds of the C02 consumption during a skiing holiday is accounted for by the journey and overnight stay. It is therefore all the more important to motivate our holidaymakers to do without their own cars and to use the available public transport.
What we do for this: As Pitztal Glacier, we make a significant monetary contribution to the financing of our local public transport. In the coming season, we would like to sensitise our weekly guests in particular to make greater use of these offers for their journey and to do without their own car as much as possible during their stay.
We have scrutinised all areas of the business to identify potential energy savings that do not compromise the experience of our ski guests. Our declared goal is thus to further save our energy requirements.
What we are doing to achieve this: We have put together a comprehensive package of measures. The biggest potential energy savings lie in ongoing railway operations, snowmaking and slope preparation.
What we are doing for this: We are working together with the cable car specialist group, the University of Innsbruck and other glacier and winter ski resorts to develop an ecologically compatible alternative.
Planned finalisation: Depending on the research result of the University of Innsbruck.
In Pitztal, the supply of rental housing is limited, which is why our search for good employees from outside for our own business is often hampered by the fact that there is little suitable housing for them.
What we do about it: We have therefore co-built nine residential units in our Rifflsee building. We plan to renovate these residential units in an energy-efficient way. In addition, our goal is to create even more living space.
Planned finalisation: 2025
Over the past year, we have invested some time in writing a set of rules for our employees. Paper in a drawer is patient – we are not.
What we are doing about it: That’s why we want to embed the Code of Conduct in each and every one of our employees.
Timeframe: ongoing
We maintain a flat hierarchy – managers are always available.
What we do for this: A standardised exchange with our employees – away from the daily business – is nevertheless important and therefore in planning. We also plan to communicate the medium-term strategy and goals of the Pitztaler Gletscherbahn to our employees on a larger scale once a year.
Planned finalisation: ongoing